Jorge Peña Martín

Anonymous Travel


Four stories about random chance intersect in a magical setting. No one knows exactly who they are, nor what they do in this place, nor what relationship they have with each other, but together they build a new existential portrait. Meanwhile, plains do not stop flying over their heads.


Director, screenwriter, editor: Jorge Peña Martín

Cast: Ascen Molla, Consol García, Laia Campañà, Eric Pesin, Germán Sánchez, Encarna Boada, David Duran, Dolores Martínez

Cinematography: Raúl Roda

Sound: Gabriel Cohen

Production Assistant: Elena Torrent

Color grading: Federico Delpero

Project support group: Laia Campañà and David Faure, Escola d’Arts del Prat; Elena Torrent, El Prat Film Office; Lluc Mayol, José Antonio Delgado and Esther Merchán, /UNZIP Arts Visuals al Prat

Technical Specs

Title: Viajes Anónimos

Título internacional: Anonymous Travel

Genre: Documentary

Estimated length: 28 minutes

Shooting format: HD

Screening format: DCP / Digital

Country of production: Spain

Original language: Spanish, Catalan

Subtitles: Spanish

Produced by: Hijos del Rock&Roll Films

Production year: 2017

Color/BW: Color

Sound: Stereo

Filmed in February 2017 in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain)